Monday, April 29, 2013

WE WON!!!!

Centennial was awarded a BIA product of Excellence Award for our work on the Lancome sales kit.

The BIA (Binding Industries Association) is an international organization for binderies and the printing industry. Centennial was recognized at the BIA annual convention held in Indianapolis in early April. We are very excited to receive such a prestigious award.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Rebind a Textbook, Save a Teacher

From 2001 to 2008 the cost for textbooks in the United States have increased by 45%. Textbook rebinding is a great way to extend the life of a well worn textbook and avoid incurring the cost of new books.  Our efficient and rigorous rehabilitation process adds years of life to a book and can save school systems thousands of dollars.

The savings in rebinding versus purchasing new books and can be so extreme that school systems can actually save jobs and keep more teachers in the classroom.  Check out these numbers:

Case Study: Indiana High School
848 students
Average teacher salary: $47,255
Average annual cost of new textbooks for one student: $600
Average cost of one new textbook: $70
Average cost to rebind one textbook: $10
Cost savings when rebinding versus purchasing new: $60
$60 savings x 848 students = $50,880

The rebinding process is easy, contact us and we will come pick up your well worn books and send them back to you as good as new, with a new cover and a clean trimmed book block. Contact us for more information.