Monday, May 6, 2013

We Are in the Peak of Diploma Season!

One of the main products at Centennial is diploma covers. For several years we have made top of the line, hand made covers for graduation diplomas, presentations and certificates. Depending on what our clients need, we have the ability to produce traditional sizes as well as custom pieces. At Centennial we pride ourselves on quality and giving our customers the very best product we can produce.

We are approaching the 1 millionth unit produced, and we want to thank all our loyal customers for helping us get there. One million is a big milestone and we are thrilled to be able to reach it, but we won't stop there!

Our mission is to continue to serve our customers to the best of our ability and be around to celebrate 10 millionth unit produced. With the continued support of our customers we are positive we will make it, and beyond!