Tuesday, August 6, 2013

As August has started, we have moved into our book rebinding season.  Schools from Southern Indiana and Northern Kentucky have sent well-worn textbooks to us so that we can apply our tender, loving care and turn those torn up, written on, and sometimes missing covers into new text books that will allow schools to stretch out the life of that one book a couple of more years.  

When your books come through our back door, they are put through our paces.  We strip the old covers and then pass them along to our cleaning department.  The girls that make up this department will then clean and cut and erase until the book looks just like new before they will ship it off to the rebinding area.  This area reinforces the spin and reapplies the cover.  Again, it is looked over with a fine toothed comb before being sent to shipping to be counted, tagged, boxed, and loaded on a truck to head back to the media centers of the Midwestern schools they came from.  Hopefully, they are then shelved, anxiously waiting to be placed in the eager hands of new students.
An excellent example of a before and after of a rebound textbook

Make sure to check out our previous blog post on how rebinding a textbook could save the job of a teacher at your school.